Weekly Review
Hello all, Happy Monday!!
I have really been on a healthy food kick lately. So, in an effort to start eating healthier, I find myself spending a little extra time browsing the isles in the grocery store. Trying to find alternatives for the foods that I already enjoy eating. Well, this past week when my boyfriend, and I went grocery shopping we actually made two stops.
First stop was to a local grocery store here in Saint Louis, called Schnucks. I usually make a grocery list and on my list I haad Pancake mix. Now pancake mix isn't usually something I buy on a regular basis because we don't make it that often so it usually last us a while. I made my way down the cereal/breakfast isle and while trying to compare prices between the Aunt Jemima brand and the store brand pancake mix. I saw for the first time "Oatmeal Pancake Mix". Like anyone else I was curious to find out how it tasted and if there was a difference in texture compared to the regular mix. So, I grabbed it and dropped it in our shopping cart.
I also made scrambled eggs with onions and peppers and country style sausage patties to accompany these fabolous oatmeal pancakes.
Second stop I made was to the Whole Foods Market.Where I picked up some soy milk, Gluten free chocolate chip cookie mix, terriyaki chicken from the deli and a box of wait for it, wait for it "Vegetarian Nature's Burger". I know what you are thinking, What on earth is that? it sounds horrible. Trust me I was thinking the same thing but the packaging made me buy it and plus I was looking for a meat alternative for burgers.
When I opened the box, I noticed that the packaging were very simple. All I had to do was open it and pour it into a mixing bowl and add 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. I would have to say that this was easier than making actual burgers. Now, because these are meat free and the instructions did not call for eggs I had to taste the mixture before I added the water. It did taste good. I was surprised it had a little kick to it.
After I added the water, I let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes so it can form and cool. Once it had cooled, I started to form my patties. I pan fryed the patties with a 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive about 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Each package can make 6 vegan patties. I toped my burger with cheddar cheees, sauteed onions and peppers, a slice of tomato, and pickles. served with home fries.
I hope you all found these reviews helpful and hopefully try them out yourselves.
Please come back next week to see what new items I picked up at the grocery store.
Have a Triple Fresh Monday!
Alice Ornella